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The Intelligent Robots Group in Fukushima – The Intelligent Robots Group at Curtin University
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The Intelligent Robots Group in Fukushima

Dr Raymond Sheh from the Intelligent Robots Group will be speaking at the Workshop on Standard Test Method for Response Robots (word doc link), held by the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) at the newly opened Naraha Remote Technology Development Center, on the edge of the Fukushima exclusion zone, on the 6th and 7th of November 2015.

As one of two invited international speakers, Dr Sheh will speak about his experience in Engaging the Research Community using Standard Test Methods. Dr Sheh’s experience in this area spans a decade, first through the RoboCup Rescue Robot League and then later in his work with NIST, DHS and DARPA, including the DARPA Robotics Challenge.

Dr Raymond Sheh alongside Prof Satoshi Tadokoro from Tohoku University and Mr Adam Jacoff from NIST. The partially complete experimentation building of the Naraha Remote Technology Development Center is visible in the background.