The Intelligent Robotics Group at the Department of Computing is taking the lead in establishing the Open Academic Robot Kit, a common set of parts, specifications and software to catalyse the design, construction, dissemination and re-use of robots in an academic and research environment. See for details.
The Department of Computing, along with the Perth Artifactory, the US National Institute of Standards and Technology and other international partners, hosted the 2014 IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Response Robotics Summer School and Workshop from the 27th to the 30th of September! See for details.
Intelligent Robotics Group personnel are part of the Executive and Organising Committees of the international RoboCup Rescue Robot League competition, a league of teams working together to advance the state of response robotics worldwide. We are also leading the RoboCupRescue Rapidly Manufactured Robot Challenge, a sub-competition designed to lower the barrier of entry into interesting response robotics research and to bridge the gap between RoboCup Junior Rescue and the RoboCupRescue Robot League. See for details.