The Intelligent Robots Group has been working with our partners at the US National Institute of Standards and Technology, and the International RoboCup Federation, for a while now on two initiatives: The Open Academic Robot Kit and the RoboCupRescue Rapidly Manufactured Robot League (formerly known as the Confined Space Challenge).
Click HERE for a printable flyer that describes these initiatives in more detail.
We have now finalised the design of the arena and uploaded build instructions! These designs reflect the state of the arena for the upcoming RoboCupRescue International Championship, to be held in Leipzig from the 28th of June.
We demonstrated these initiatives at the recent USA Science and Engineering Festival in Washington DC, and the RoboCupJunior USA Championship in New York.
We have also launched a Google Groups mailing list so anyone interested in these initiatives, academic or student, can keep up to date and share their advances. So click, browse, join and introduce yourself!