The RoboCup 2019 World Championships will be held in Sydney this year and the Intelligent Robots Group at Curtin University is playing a crucial role in putting on this world-class event!
Dr Raymond Sheh from the Intelligent Robots Group is the Local Chair of the RoboCupRescue Robot League and is responsible for all local arrangements including co-ordinating the build of the arena, demonstrations and visits by local responders.
Click below for a printable PDF of this information!
Join us at the world’s premiere response robotics competition and test event!
2-8 July 2019, International Convention Centre Sydney, Australia.
Responders, Manufacturers, Researchers, Students and the General Public welcome.
• The RoboCupRescue Robot League is a research competition for pushing the state-of-the-science in robots that enable responders to more safely and effectively perform
hazardous mission tasks.
• Students from high school through to graduate students and early career researchers compete against the same challenges as those used to evaluate deployed systems.
• Competitions, teaching camps, test events and symposia provide venues for the demonstration and dissemination of best-in-class capabilities to responders, manufacturers and academia.
• Quantitative evaluation of capabilities using DHS-NIST-ASTM International Standard Test Methods for Response Robots provide repeatable tests of capabilities, reliability and operator proficiency.
• The same test methods are used to evaluate response robots and operator proficiency for US and international military and civilian responders, ensuring that the results are directly relevant to operational requirements.
• Tests include mobility, manipulation, sensing and autonomy at differing scales and levels of difficulty for autonomous and/or teleoperated ground and aerial robots.
• Emphasis on tests that represent gaps in deployed capabilities to help guide research.
• Robots range from small recon robots (30 cm scale) to package-capable robots (120 cm scale) and small (<1kg) drones.
• Off-the-shelf and custom robots embody latest developments in robotic capabilities.
• Many designs, components and software are open-sourced to encourage sharing and facilitate ad-hoc collaboration.
RoboCup 2019 event information: http://2019.robocup.org
RoboCupRescue Robot League: http://rrl.robocup.org
Test Methods for Response Robots Project and related events: http://RobotTestMethods.nist.gov
Latest version of this document: http://rrl.intelligentrobots.org
General project inquiries: RobotTestMethods@nist.gov