If you missed our appearance on Today Tonight on the 2nd of February, the story has now gone up on YouTube! Of course if you want any further information, please do get in touch!
Welcome to everyone who found out about us through the recent Brainy State special on Channel 7 Perth’s Today Tonight! Want more information about Baxter? The plans for the 3D printed robot are available from the webpage of our Open Academic Robot Kit initiative, follow the links to Designs. We are also leading an […]
The Intelligent Robots Group will be featured on Today Tonight, Channel 7 Perth, on the 2nd of February sometime between 6.30 pm and 7.00 pm, as part of their special series called “Brainy State”! Raymond Sheh, Ian Blackley and Baxter, after filming of the first “Brainy State” story at the Department of Computing. Watch this […]
Raymond Sheh represented the Intelligent Robots Group at the recent meeting of the ASTM International standards committee on Homeland Security Applications; Operational Equipment; Robots (E54.08.01). We have been working with this committee, through our collaboration with the US Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), since mid-2014, developing standard ways of testing […]
Ben O’Shea and Dean Alston from the West Australian Newspaper seem to be at it again! 😉 (Saturday 29 November 2014) Regardless, I hope talk of the Robot Apocalypse or androids in your bedroom haven’t scared you away from joining us at the RoboFair tomorrow, from 10am to 2pm at the Engineering Pavilion of Curtin […]
The Curtin RoboFair is this weekend, Sunday the 30th of November! This free community event showcases what Perth and WA has to offer across the whole spectrum of robotics activities. We’ll have everything from high school robotics competitions to commercial (and properly licensed!) drones, from industrial robot arms to robotic art performances, from electronic components […]
A big hello to everyone who found out about us through their Community Newspaper! Please have a browse and check out what we’re up to. I also encourage you to come to the RoboFair this Sunday! See my next post. 🙂 Thus far I’m aware of this story appearing in the Melville Times and the […]
Welcome to those of you who joined Jenny Seaton and I this afternoon at 2.40pm on the 20th of November on Curtin FM for a discussion about robots! You’ll find here information about several of the topics we discussed including the upcoming Curtin RoboFair, (10am to 2pm next Sunday the 30th of November at the […]
The Intelligent Robots Lab will be leading the Robotics@Curtin displays at this year’s Curtin RoboFair! Come down to the Engineering Pavilion of Curtin University between 10am and 2pm next Sunday the 30th of November for a fun, free, family event with something for everyone. This is a unique opportunity for students, hobbyists and other members […]
A Collaboration between the Alternate Anatomies Laboratory at the School of Design and Art, and the Intelligent Robots Group at the Department of Computing. Watch this performance at the Curtin RoboFair, 10am to 2pm on the 30th of November at the Engineering Pavilion! This will be a performance for 4 arms, 2 human ones and […]
I opened the paper on Thursday the 13th of November to find that Ben O’Shea from the West Australian Newspaper’s “Inside Cover” segment has decided to write about me and Baxter! Apparently I’m going to help prevent the “Robot Apocalypse” or something. 😉 Alston also found it rather amusing!
This week, the Intelligent Robots Group is the feature article on the Curtin homepage! See the full press release here.