The Intelligent Robots Group supported NIST efforts to promote manufacturing and robotics during the 2016 Maryland Manufacturing Day “Gears on the Gridiron” event with a display of the Rapidly Manufactured Robot League. A particular highlight was the demonstration of a new initiative to produce rapidly manufactured (3D printed) robots that are designed to attach to […]
This year, National Science Week 2016 (13-21 August) is celebrating the theme of “Drones, Droids and Robots”. Naturally the Intelligent Robots Group will be involved! Dr Raymond Sheh will be presenting three lectures throughout the week. Tuesday 16th August, 4.30pm-6.00pm: Free Public Lecture entitled “Intelligent Drones, Droids and Robots: The Artificial Intelligence Challenge”, Tim Winton […]
The Intelligent Robots Group is leading the development of the Open Academic Robot Kit and the RoboCup Rescue Rapidly Manufactured Robot League (formerly the Confined Space Challenge), two initiatives designed to bring the research challenges of the response robotics domain within reach of high schools, undergraduate students and the wider “hacker” and “maker” communities. As […]
Dr Raymond Sheh from the Intelligent Robots Group was at Capitol Hill, Washington DC, demonstrating the Open Academic Robot Kit at the recent US National Robotics Initiative (NRI) 5th Anniversary event! Dr Raymond Sheh at Capitol Hill, alongside Dr Elena Messina, head of the Intelligent Systems Division of NIST. The prototype Emu Mini 2 robot […]
The Intelligent Robots Group has been working with our partners at the US National Institute of Standards and Technology, and the International RoboCup Federation, for a while now on two initiatives: The Open Academic Robot Kit and the RoboCupRescue Rapidly Manufactured Robot League (formerly known as the Confined Space Challenge). Click HERE for a printable […]
Dr Raymond Sheh from the Intelligent Robots Group will be speaking at the Workshop on Standard Test Method for Response Robots (word doc link), held by the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) at the newly opened Naraha Remote Technology Development Center, on the edge of the Fukushima exclusion zone, on the 6th and 7th of […]
This Thursday the 20th of August, I will be presenting a free public lecture on Computer Science and Intelligent Robotics, as part of National Science Week. Click here for the invitation email. Event: National Science Week Public Lecture: Rise of the Machines – Intelligent Robotics Date: Thursday 20 August 2015 Time: 5.15pm for 5.30pm start […]
Over two weekends in August, the Intelligent Robots Group showcased its work to the wider Perth community. During the Curtin University Open Day on the 2nd, the Baxter Research Robot, the RoboCupRescue Confined Space Robotics Challenge and the Open Academic Robot Kit were demonstrated in Building 314. The following week, the RoboCup Junior Western Australia […]
The Intelligent Robots Group congratulates the Team UNSW Australia (formerly rUNSWift) RoboCup Standard Platform League team on its World Championship win at this year’s RoboCup 2015 in Hefei, China! Team UNSW Australia (formerly rUNSWift), world champions at RoboCup 2015! Team rUNSWift holds a special connection to the Intelligent Robots Group. Dr. Raymond Sheh, head of […]
The Intelligent Robots Group is at the RoboCup World Championships, held in Hefei, China! Dr. Raymond Sheh, Head of the Intelligent Robots Group, traveled to the event, accompanied by undergraduate project student Murillo Ferreira, high school teachers Patrick Louden and Steven Riddell from Christchurch Grammar School and Scotch College respectively, and high school students Felix […]
Dr. Raymond Sheh from the Intelligent Robots Group was invited to the pre-screening of Terminator Genisys on the 29th of June, as a guest of The West Australian Newspaper. As mentioned previously, the contrast between the performance of robots at the DRC Finals and the Terminator robots would suggest that our risk to civilisation lies […]
The Intelligent Robots Group once again features in Ben O’Shea’s “Inside Cover” column of The West Australian newspaper, 11 June 2015, with the inevitable tongue-in-cheek references to terminators and the robot apocalypse. The performance of robots at the recent DARPA Robotics Challenge, which Dr. Sheh played a crucial role in developing way back in 2012 […]
Back in 2012, Dr. Raymond Sheh was one of the developers of the tasks of the DARPA Robotics Challenge, during his previous role at the US National Institute of Standards and Technology. He joined DARPA in December 2013 as one of the operations team for the DARPA Robotics Challenge Trials, held in Homestead, Florida. A […]
The Intelligent Robots Group continues to support international efforts aimed at improving the ability of responders to address hazardous situations. Dr. Raymond Sheh traveled to Florida for the Camp Blanding leg of the 2015 Raven’s Challenge, an event that tests the ability of bomb squads to address various hazards. Dr. Sheh deployed various new tests […]
Join us for an introduction to 3D printing and the Open Academic Robot Kit! 5pm-7.30pm on Friday the 1st of May, 2015, at the Engineering Pavilion, Curtin University. Email to register. This event is being run by the Intelligent Robots Group at the Department of Computing, Curtin University, in association with the Institute […]
We’re putting together a small pilot team of Perth-based high school students, with the aim of competing in a demonstration of the RoboCupRescue Confined Space Challenge, to be held as part of the RoboCup World Championships in Hefei, China in mid-July! Here is an open letter I sent to several high school teachers in Perth; […]
Raymond Sheh is representing the Intelligent Robots Group at the United Nations World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction, currently being held in Sendai, Japan! He will be supporting the work of the Group as part of the DHS-NIST-ASTM International Standard Test Methods for Response Robots project. Dr. Raymond Sheh with Prof. Satoshi Tadokoro of Tohoku […]